Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) Program


In September 2005, KCRC started an Anti Retroviral Treatment Clinic supported by AIDSRelief consortium members to provide care and restore hope among the HIV/AIDS infected people in the South western region. The facility has gone through a number of support transitions since 2005 from AIDSRelief to Uganda Protestant Medical Buarue(UPMB), then CAF-U as an indiginous Organization  and Currently USAID/EGPAF/RHITE-SW.  Through this program , KCRC is providing free HIV/TB care to over 5000 HIV/AIDS Patients

Achievements in the ART Program

  1. Enrollment of over 8000 patients both in HIV/AIDS Care. The facility is one of largest HIV/AIDS Center in South Western Region with over 5000 Patients actively on ART.
  2. Patient  Monitoring is the Priority and KCRC has a viral suppression  over 94% and is one of the best facilities in Sheema District.
  3. The facility  modern laboratory and imaging diagnostic facilities like Chemistry CD4 , X-ray machine, Ultra sound scan among others.
  4. Recruitment of qualified and enough staff at the Centers. The ART program has greatly improved the staffing levels at the two Centers
  5. The facility operates 10 outreaches in Sheema and Buhweju with over 20% of Clients receiving services closure to their homes. Has greatly improved adherence levels to above 95% and solved transport related issues of Clients from hard to reach areas.

Challenges of the ART Program

  1. Inadequate transport means, currently one vehicle runs two centres and this is abit unreliable where the two centres have high community demands.
  2. There is a challenge of medical staff turn over.
  3. The need to provide more benefits that are not provided for by the ART program remains a challenge like accommodation.meals and transport.